Security Alerts

Security Alerts

Lithuania: Overseas Safety Measures (First Quarter) and Ensuring the Secure Carrying of Passports

Security Alerts

Tunisia: Risk Information – Revised Danger Levels for Certain Areas

Security Alerts

Ivory Coast: Risk Information – Reduction of Danger Level in Certain Areas

Security Alerts

China: Dalian Edition of ‘Safety Guidelines’ Revised

Security Alerts

New Caledonia: Information on Protest Activities (Changes in Nighttime Curfew Hours)


Bangladesh: Government’s Issuance of Curfew Orders (Part 6)

Security Alerts

Philippines: Revised Safety Measures in Cebu


Bangladesh: Advisory on Non-Essential Travel

Security Alerts

Benin: Security Alert – Continuation of Danger Level (Update)


Australia: Queensland Has Highest Number of Victims of Crime in Australia