Samoa: Advisory on Dengue Fever


– The Samoa Ministry of Health declared a dengue fever outbreak on April 19 (Friday) due to a rapid increase in cases.

– There are no vaccines or preventive medications for dengue fever, so the best prevention is to avoid mosquito bites. Please take necessary precautions to prevent mosquito bites.

1. The Samoa Ministry of Health declared a dengue fever outbreak on April 19 due to a sharp increase in cases. In Samoa, there have been 81 cases reported in the first two weeks of April and a total of 216 cases since November of the previous year. Approximately 80% of these cases have been reported on Upolu Island (particularly in the northwest). Most of the 216 confirmed cases have either recovered or been discharged, but due to the risk of severe complications, the Ministry is urging caution.

2. There are no vaccines or preventive medications for dengue fever, and avoiding mosquito bites is the best preventive measure. Dengue fever typically presents with symptoms such as a high fever (38-40°C) that appears in 20-40% of cases after an incubation period of 2-14 days (usually 3-7 days), along with severe headache, joint pain, muscle pain, and rash. Although most cases are mild, some can develop into severe dengue hemorrhagic fever, which can be fatal, so vigilance is necessary.

3. Please follow these guidelines to avoid mosquito bites and take preventive measures. If you experience sudden high fever (38-40°C), headache, joint pain, or other symptoms suggestive of dengue fever, seek medical attention promptly.

  • When going out, minimize skin exposure by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and apply insect repellent to exposed skin every 2-3 hours.
  • Use electric mosquito repellents, mosquito coils, insecticides, and mosquito nets effectively indoors.
  • Maintain a regular lifestyle with adequate sleep and nutrition to strengthen your immune system.
  • If you develop sudden high fever, headache, joint pain, muscle pain, or rash, suspect dengue fever and seek immediate evaluation by a specialist.
  • To prevent mosquito breeding, avoid leaving tires, buckets, toys, or pet dishes outside, and place sand in plant saucers and other containers.
