Security Alerts

Security Alerts

Indonesia: Threats to Japanese, Chinese, and American Nationals, as well as the Interests of Japan, China, and the U.S. – Call for Attacks by Papuan Separatist Extremist Groups

Security Alerts

South Africa: Crime Statistics (First Quarter of 2024)

Security Alerts

Papua New Guinea: High Crime Rates and Unstable Security Situation – Exercise Extra Caution During Pope Francis’s Visit

Security Alerts

United Kingdom: Travel Advisory, Level 2, Exercise Increased Caution

Security Alerts

Egypt: Latest Advisory

Security Alerts

China: Updated Travel Advisory

Security Alerts

Ecuador: State of Emergency Declared (Continued)

Security Alerts

Moldova: Travel Advisory

Security Alerts

Indonesia: Grenade Attack at the Home of a Candidate in the Aceh Governor Election

Security Alerts

Uganda: Information Regarding a Planned Terrorist Attack in Kampala