Brazil: Robbery and murder occur inside a bus in the Cristo Rei neighborhood of Curitiba


On the afternoon of August 8, a robbery and murder occurred inside a Linha Pinhais/Rui Barbosa bus traveling on Avenida Presidente Afonso Camargo in the Cristo Rei neighborhood of Curitiba (approximately 1.6 kilometers from the Curitiba Botanical Garden). The perpetrator, a man, stabbed the victim three times with a knife and stole his mobile phone before fleeing. Despite receiving treatment from medical personnel and emergency responders on the bus, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. The suspect was arrested in Uberaba in the early hours of August 9.

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Safety Advice:

  • If you find yourself involved in or confronted by a robbery, comply with the perpetrator’s demands without resistance.
  • Avoid long periods of travel or outings at night, as the risk of becoming a crime victim increases. Try to avoid traveling at night whenever possible.
  • In case of emergency, minimize losses by carrying cash and cards (or other valuables) separately. Consider using a separate wallet with only a small amount of cash.
