Argentina: Planned Demonstrations around Plaza de Mayo (August 7)


Summary and Measures

•On August 7 (Wednesday), a demonstration organized by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) is scheduled to take place from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, with Plaza de Mayo as the final destination. Additionally, a protest event is planned to begin at 2:00 PM at Plaza de Mayo.

•The demonstration route includes the Santuario de San Cayetano, Avenida Rivadavia, Avenida de Mayo, and Plaza de Mayo itself. The demonstration and protest are expected to involve not only CGT but also two other labor unions (CTA), other unions, human rights groups, and social activists, which may result in a large-scale event.

•Please avoid approaching the areas along the demonstration route and around Plaza de Mayo out of curiosity. Make sure to stay informed and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety.
