Venezuela: Occurrence of an explosive device drop incident near the Petare area in Sucre city


On July 31, an explosive device, believed to be a grenade, was dropped near the Petale district of Sucre City.

There were no casualties, and the police and other security agencies are investigating.

The demonstrations that erupted after the presidential election between the administration and opposition parties appear to have subsided, but the situation could change suddenly, so please take all possible measures to ensure your own safety.

1 At around 5:15 p.m. on July 31, a bomb, believed to be a grenade, was dropped and exploded in front of a hospital on Francisco de Miranda Boulevard in the Petale district of Sucre. According to reports, although the road was damaged, there were no injuries or other casualties. Local police and other security agencies are currently checking surveillance cameras in the area.

2 At this time, no solid information has been received regarding the purpose of the crime or the suspects, but there is a possibility that the incident may have been caused by demonstrations over the election results. Although there were casualties in the demonstrations immediately after the election, and the situation seems to have calmed down after peaking on March 30, the situation could change suddenly.
(1) Stay away from areas where rallies or demonstrations are being held. If you encounter a rally or demonstration, leave the area immediately.
(2) Since rallies and demonstrations may cause traffic jams, please be sure to leave more time than usual when going out, and pay close attention to the situation around you.
