Iran: Murder of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniya in Tehran


Ismail Haniya, the political director of Hamas, was reportedly killed in Tehran, the capital of Iran.
The situation in the Middle East may deteriorate rapidly, and we ask that you keep yourself updated on the latest information and work to ensure your own safety.

1 According to various media reports, Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniya was reportedly killed in Tehran, the capital of Iran, in the early morning of July 31.

2 Since the possibility of a rapid deterioration of the situation in the Middle East cannot be ruled out, those who are planning to travel to or stay in Iran, or who are already there, are urged to take the utmost precautions and to obtain the latest information from multiple sources in view of the current situation.

3 The Embassy of Japan in Iran is also working to gather information and will contact Japanese citizens in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

4 In the event of an emergency, please contact the Embassy’s main phone number below.
