Benin: Security Alert – Continuation of Danger Level (Update)


Updated Security Information for Benin

Risk Levels

– Northern Region (including the areas of Banikoara, Karimama, Malanville, Segbana, Kandi in Alibori Department; Tanguiéta, Materi, Kérè in Atakora Department; Borgou Department’s eastern part of Kalalé and eastern part of Nikki)
– Level 3: Avoid all travel (Travel Advisory in Effect) (Ongoing)
– Northern Region (including the areas of Gogounou in Alibori Department; Cobly in Atakora Department; western part of Kalalé in Borgou Department; western part of Nikki; Perele; eastern part of Chaur)
– Level 2: Avoid non-essential travel (Ongoing)
– Other Areas
– Level 1: Exercise caution (Ongoing)

Points to Note

– In the northern border areas with Burkina Faso and Niger, frequent terrorist attacks by extremist groups have led to numerous casualties among security forces. Villages have also been attacked, resulting in numerous civilian deaths and disappearances. Travel to these areas for any reason is strongly advised against.
– In southern cities like Cotonou, general crimes such as robbery and theft have been reported frequently.
– Across Benin, infrastructure and public services such as electricity, water, healthcare, and education are lacking. Frequent power outages and water shortages are affecting daily life. There are also protests against rising prices and fuel costs, requiring vigilance.


1. General Situation
– In the northern regions, including Pendjari National Park and surrounding areas, terrorist activities by extremist groups from neighboring Burkina Faso and Niger have led to frequent attacks on security forces and civilians. These groups are expanding their influence from the border areas into the interior of Benin, raising concerns about worsening security.
– Kidnappings among the Fulani ethnic group, as well as armed group attacks on schools in neighboring Niger and Nigeria, pose a risk of such groups crossing into Benin.
– In southern areas like Cotonou and Porto-Novo, security conditions are relatively stable compared to neighboring countries, but caution is advised due to theft and robbery incidents in markets and busy areas.
– While there are currently no specific threats targeting Japanese nationals or interests, the general increase in terrorist activities in the region suggests that vigilance is necessary.

2. Regional Conditions
– Northern Region
(Banikoara, Karimama, Malanville, Segbana, Kandi, Tanguiéta, Materi, Kérè, eastern Kalalé, and eastern Nikki):
– Level 3: Avoid all travel (Travel Advisory in Effect)
– Burkina Faso and Niger Border Areas: Terrorist attacks are prevalent, especially near the border, affecting security forces and civilians. The risk is particularly high within a 50km radius from the border.
– Togo Border Areas: Attacks on police stations and skirmishes between security forces and terrorists have occurred.
– Alibori and Atakora Departments: Attacks on villages and incidents involving explosive devices have been reported. Terrorist activities have increasingly targeted civilians.
– Nigeria Border Areas: Kidnappings for ransom and conflicts involving armed Fulani groups are of concern. Travel to these areas should be avoided.

– Northern Region (Gogounou, Cobly, western Kalalé, western Nikki, Perele, eastern Chaur):
– Level 2: Avoid non-essential travel
– Gogounou and Cobly: Terrorist and kidnapping incidents are expanding from border areas to these inland regions.
– Western Kalalé, western Nikki, Perele, eastern Chaur: Risks include abductions and drug trafficking incidents.

– Other Areas:
– Level 1: Exercise caution
– Cotonou: Watch out for pickpocketing and theft in tourist areas. Avoid demonstrations and protests.
– Mono and Ouémé Departments: Border areas are prone to drug and arms trafficking due to high traffic and limited police presence.
– Other Regions: Generally stable but watch for general crime and infrastructure issues.

Please stay informed through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and local sources, and exercise appropriate safety measures according to the situation.
