Uganda: There is a possibility of demonstrations occurring on July 25th in the city center of Kampala, specifically at ‘The Parliament of the Republic of Uganda’ (follow-up)


On July 25th, there is information that a demonstration named “March 2 Parliament” is planned again at “The Parliament of the Republic of Uganda” in downtown Kampala. Please avoid approaching “The Parliament of the Republic of Uganda” throughout the day on the 25th.

The specific time of the demonstration is currently unknown. The route is also unclear, but the final destination is “The Parliament of the Republic of Uganda.”

Roads leading to “The Parliament of the Republic of Uganda,” such as Parliament Avenue, Jinja Road, and Yusuf Lule Road, may be subject to roadblocks. Residents and travelers are advised to stay updated with the latest relevant information and avoid areas with large gatherings. If you encounter demonstrations or gatherings, prioritize your safety by promptly leaving the area.

There is a risk of street robberies during the demonstration. To avoid potential danger, refrain from walking and use vehicles as much as possible. If you are the victim of a robbery, do not resist the perpetrators and prioritize your safety above all else.
