Tanzania: Hazard Information, Hazard Level Continued (content update)


Updated Hazard Information for Tanzania.

Danger Level/Points
Danger Level
Near the border with Burundi, including the western part of Kigoma Province
 Level 3: Do not travel. (Advisory to cease travel) (Continued)
Mutwara Province
 Level 2: Do not travel unless absolutely necessary. (Continued)
The Indian Ocean coastline (including Zanzibar), Lake Tanganyika, the border area with Rwanda, and the Arusha Province
 Level 1: Exercise caution. (Continued)

The western part of Kigoma Province and the border area with Burundi are not well managed by the security authorities, and the security situation is unstable, with armed robbers. Please do not travel there for any purpose.
In Mutwara Province, there have been attacks in the past by armed groups believed to have come from the northern part of neighboring Mozambique, resulting in casualties; although no such incidents have been confirmed for 2023, please be aware of the possibility of similar attacks and avoid non-essential travel.
In Dar es Salaam, there was a shooting incident during the day that was declared a terrorist attack by the security authorities, and there have been a number of violent crimes targeting foreign tourists.
1 Outline
(1) The security situation in the western part of Kigoma Region, near the borders with Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (near the shore of Lake Tanganyika), and Rwanda, is in a state of flux, and the political situation in Tanzania may rapidly deteriorate depending on the political situation in these neighboring countries. In particular, the security situation near the border with Burundi is unstable.

(2) In the Carbondelgado Province of northern Mozambique, which is adjacent to Mtwara Province, an organization affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is active, and troops from neighboring countries have been dispatched to conduct a cleanup operation. In the past, there have been attacks in Mutwara Province by armed groups believed to have infiltrated from Mozambique, resulting in casualties. However, the situation in northern Mozambique has not calmed down, and it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of deteriorating security due to border crossers from the northern part of Mozambique. Therefore, please do not travel to Mutwara Province unnecessarily.

(3) In Tanzania, general crimes caused by poverty are frequent, and there are many reports of crimes related to the increasing influx of smugglers from neighboring countries and the smuggling of arms and drugs. In Dar es Salaam, violent crimes targeting foreign tourists are common, especially when traveling on foot. Please limit nighttime outings to travel by car or other means.

(4) The East African region, including Tanzania, is frequently threatened by terrorist attacks, and Tanzanian authorities remain vigilant. In August 2021, a shooting occurred in the city of Dar es Salaam, which Tanzanian police authorities determined to be a terrorist incident. Furthermore, in neighboring Uganda, there have been a number of bombings believed to have been carried out by ISIL-related organizations, and the impact on Tanzania cannot be ruled out in the future. Please be fully aware of this situation, and to avoid being caught up in terrorist attacks, please make every effort to obtain the latest security information from overseas safety websites and news reports, and take appropriate and adequate safety measures according to the situation.

2 Situation by Region
(1) Western Kigoma Province and other areas near the border with Burundi
Level 3: Do not travel. (Advisory to cease travel) (Continued)

The border area with Burundi is remote from Dar es Salaam, where security agencies are concentrated, and the situation is unstable due to insufficient control by security authorities and armed robbers on the main roads.

There are many refugees from Burundi and other countries who have crossed the border and are living illegally in the area, and it has been pointed out that criminals are mixed in among these refugees. In addition, inexpensive weapons (firearms) from Burundi have been flowing into Tanzania, and there have been cases of arrests by police for weapons and incidents involving weapons. Therefore, please do not travel to this region for any purpose.

(2) Mutwara Province
Level 2: Do not travel to the area for non-essential reasons. (Continued)

In 2013, during a roundup operation conducted by the security authorities, it was discovered that people affiliated with the Islamic extremist group Al-Shabaab were secretly conducting military training in the mountains of Mutwara Province, and a number of people were arrested. Although no similar incidents have been confirmed since then, the threat of terrorist attacks by fugitives who evade arrest in East Africa, including Tanzania, has been frequently pointed out, and the possibility that terrorist elements may still be hiding in the region cannot be ruled out.

In Mutwara Province, there have been attacks by ISIL affiliates believed to have infiltrated from Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province, including attacks in the southern village of Kitaya in October 2020 and in the southern village of Hurunga in September 2021, both reportedly carried out in the name of ISIL affiliates. Both attacks were reported under the name of ISIL-affiliated organizations.

Since 2023, border security between Tanzania and Mozambique has been strengthened, and the influx of armed forces and incidents on the Tanzanian side have been limited, as a senior member of the armed forces was detained on the Mozambican side. However, the situation has not yet completely subsided, and we must continue to be aware of the possibility of a deterioration in security in Mutwara Province, located on the Mozambican border, due to border crossers from the region.

Therefore, please do not travel to Mutwara Province unnecessarily. If you have no choice but to travel to or stay in Mutwara, please make sure to obtain the latest security information, refrain from going out at night, and take other appropriate and adequate safety measures.

(3) Indian Ocean coast (including Zanzibar), Lake Tanganyika, border area with Rwanda, and Arusha Province
Level 1: Exercise extreme caution. (Continued)

Indian Ocean coast (including Zanzibar)
(a) In Dar es Salaam, four people including a police officer and a security guard were killed and six others were injured in a daytime shooting incident in August 2021. The Tanzanian police authorities later ruled the incident a terrorist attack. The East African region, including Tanzania, is frequently threatened by terrorist attacks, particularly in coastal areas facing the Indian Ocean, where international terrorist elements may be hiding. In Zanzibar, at least one person was injured in a bombing near a restaurant and church in February 2014, and at least one person was killed and seven others injured in a bombing near a mosque in June of the same year. Depending on the future situation, there is a possibility that terrorist attacks may occur in other areas as well, so please stay as far away as possible from facilities that may be the target of terrorist attacks, be vigilant in places where large numbers of people gather, and pay attention to the situation around you to ensure your safety.

In Dar es Salaam, there are a number of crimes committed by criminals who target foreign tourists. Please be especially careful in the following areas.
Kaliako area, around the ferry terminal to Zanzibar, City Center (near Askari Monument), Ture Drive and Koko Beach on Musasani Peninsula, around Serendah Bridge, Ocean Road, Ubungo (local bus: commonly called “Daladala”) and Munazimoja (long distance bus) (c) In Zanzibar, near the bus terminal.

In Zanzibar, riots broke out during the October 2015 general elections when police authorities intervened in an opposition party rally, and there were also small explosions in what appeared to be protests against the election results. Riots also occurred in and around Stone Town and on Bemba Island during the October 2020 general election.

Near the shores of Lake Tanganyika
Armed rebels are present in the northeastern and eastern regions of the DRC in the vicinity of Lake Tanganyika, and violence has frequently occurred. In the areas bordering the DRC, there is a possibility that unforeseen situations may occur, and special attention should be paid. Therefore, those who travel to or stay near the shores of Lake Tanganyika are advised to take extra precautions, such as obtaining the latest security information and being aware of their surroundings at all times.

Western Kagera Province and other areas near the border with Rwanda
The security situation in neighboring Rwanda may be affected by neighboring countries with unstable security situations, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, which may further affect the security situation in Tanzania. Those traveling to or staying near the border with Rwanda are advised to take extra precautions, such as obtaining the latest security information.

Arusha Province

In Arusha Province, a number of people were killed or wounded in terrorist attacks using hand grenades at churches and political rallies in 2013, and there were also explosions at restaurants in April and July 2014 that injured a number of people. Although there have been no notable incidents in Arusha since then, please ensure your own safety by staying away from religious and political gatherings, paying attention to your surroundings in restaurants, bars, and other places where many people gather, and leaving immediately if you detect any suspicious situation.

In Arusha, the number of burglaries, thefts, and other general crimes are on the rise due to a sharp decrease in tourism income and an increase in unemployment caused by the decrease in the number of tourists due to the Corona disaster, and robberies are also occurring. In addition, crimes related to narcotics and dangerous drugs imported from neighboring countries are also occurring, so please be very careful not to get involved in such crimes.

3. Precautions for your stay in Japan

Since the security situation changes from moment to moment, please review your countermeasures in the event of a terrorist incident or other unforeseen circumstances, and make every effort to obtain the latest security information from the media, overseas safety websites, the Embassy of Japan in Tanzania, and relevant local organizations so that you can take appropriate and adequate safety measures according to the situation.

When traveling abroad, please inform your family, friends, and workplace of your itinerary and contact information in your destination country in case of emergency.

Terrorist attacks around the world have targeted not only facilities related to Western countries, but also places where many civilians gather. In places where many tourists and Westerners gather (hotels, restaurants, bars, shopping malls, resorts, etc.), please be fully aware of the possibility of terrorist attacks, pay attention to your surroundings, and take safety precautions such as leaving the area immediately if you detect a suspicious situation. Please be aware of the possibility of terrorist incidents in the East African region, including Tanzania.

In the East African region, including Tanzania, the threat of terrorist attacks has been raised. In the border region with Mozambique, there have been a number of cross-border attacks by armed groups fighting in the northern province of Cabo Delgado. Please be aware of the risk of this situation spreading to Tanzania, and be sure to gather information on a daily basis and take appropriate measures to ensure your safety.

4 Please also note that separate danger warnings have been issued for the neighboring countries of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique.
