Ecuador: Declaration of State of Emergency (continued)


President Noboa has issued a new Presidential Decree No. 318 declaring a state of emergency for 60 days (until August 31) covering the provinces of Guayas, El Oro, Santa Elena, Manabi, Sucumbios, Orellana, Los Rios, and Camilo Ponce Enriquez in Azulay Province.

1 The content is the same as the state of emergency declaration issued on May 22 (Presidential Decree No. 275), and the Ecuadorian government will continue to strengthen security measures in areas where violent acts such as murders and robberies have continued.

2 The areas subject to the declaration of a state of emergency are as follows
(1) Guayas Province
(2) El Oro Province
(3) Santa Elena Province
(4) Manabí Province
(5) Sucumbíos Province
(6) Orellana Province
(7) Los Rios Province
(8) Camilo Ponce Enriquez City, Azuay Province

3 Period
60 days after the issuance

4 Japanese residents and travelers are requested to refrain from unnecessary trips to the region, to obtain the latest information on the security situation, and to take precautions to ensure their own safety in order to avoid being caught in unforeseen circumstances.

Reference] Presidential Decree No. 318

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