Argentina: Robbery inside a hostel in the San Telmo neighborhood of Buenos Aires



• A Japanese national experienced theft of their belongings while using a hostel in the San Telmo neighborhood of Buenos Aires, during their absence.
• It is important to recognize the heightened risk of encountering unforeseen troubles when using shared accommodation like hostels. Therefore, maintaining a high level of security awareness and implementing necessary measures is crucial.

Main Text:

We would like to inform you of an incident involving a Japanese national being victimized, as follows:

1. Incident Overview
• (1) Date and Time:
Thursday, September 26, 2024, around 4:00 PM
• (2) Location:
A hostel in the San Telmo neighborhood of Buenos Aires (6-person shared room)
• (3) Victim and Details of Loss:
Victim: Japanese male
Details of loss: Cash (in US dollars), laptop, tablet, charger, headphones
• (4) Circumstances of the Incident:
The victim was staying at a hostel in the San Telmo neighborhood of Buenos Aires. During their stay, they secured their backpack in a locked locker within the room to manage their belongings.
On September 26, when they returned from being out, they found that the locker had been broken into, and confirmed that cash and electronic devices, among other valuables, were missing from their backpack inside the locker.
2. Security Measures
• (1) Hostels in Buenos Aires (shared accommodation) are low-cost options but tend to have a high risk of encountering unforeseen troubles due to the presence of users from various nationalities whose backgrounds are unknown.
Even when security measures are taken, it is common for lockers to be physically ineffective or for room fixtures not to be robust, leading to incidents where belongings are forcibly taken during the absence of the user, as seen in this case.
• (2) Additionally, the overall security level of such facilities tends to be low, making them susceptible to crimes like theft by individuals posing as guests who intrude from the outside. Often, support from the facility is lacking when a crime occurs. Therefore, when using shared accommodations like hostels, maintaining a high level of security awareness and implementing necessary measures is essential.
• (3) Given the nature of shared rooms, there is also a possibility of being involved in troubles, such as being suspected of theft, even if one does not become a victim. Therefore, extra caution is advised.

Foreign crime victimsArgentinaTheft