Peru: Declaration of a state of emergency due to forest fires in some regions (Part 2)


• The Peruvian government has declared a state of emergency for 60 days starting September 28 in certain areas of Cajamarca, Huánuco, and Lambayeque regions, which have been severely affected by forest fires.
• The Peruvian government has also declared a state of emergency in certain areas of Amazonas, San Martín, and Ucayali regions.
• The Peruvian government has issued a warning about ongoing forest fires across various locations in Peru.
• According to reports, the smoke from the forest fires has led to the temporary cancellation of some domestic flights. Similar situations may occur in the future, so those using domestic flights in Peru are advised to stay informed and check the latest status with airport authorities and airlines.

1. The Peruvian government has declared a state of emergency for 60 days starting September 28 in certain areas of Cajamarca, Huánuco, and Lambayeque regions, which have been severely affected by forest fires.

Official Gazette (Spanish only): Decree No. 099-2024-PCM

Areas under the state of emergency
(1) Cajamarca Region

• Chota Province: Kerokot Town
• Contumaza Province: Gussmango Town
• Walgayoc Province: Bamba Marca Town
• Jaén Province: Pucará Town, San Felipe Town, San José de Alto Town, Santa Rosa Town
• San Ignacio Province: Laqoipa Town, Tabaconas Town
• San Miguel Province: Catiryuc Town, Lyapa Town, San Silvestre de Cochan Town
• Santa Cruz Province: Catache Town

(2) Huánuco Region

• Ambo Province: Conchamarca Town
• Wamares Province: Jacas Grande Town, Tantamayo Town
• Huánuco Province: Kiski Town
• Lauricocha Province: Baños Town, Jesús Town, San Miguel de Cauri Town
• Leoncio Prado Province: Pueblo Nuevo Town
• Pachitea Province: Morino Town

(3) Lambayeque Region

• Ferreñafe Province: Incawasi Town

2. The Peruvian government has also declared a state of emergency regarding forest fire damage in certain areas of Amazonas, San Martín, and Ucayali regions.
3. As of September 27, the Peruvian government has warned that forest fires are occurring in over 100 locations across the country. Current forest fire warning information can be checked on the website of the National Forestry and Wildlife Service of the Ministry of Agriculture Development and Irrigation (in Spanish only; it may take time to load).
4. Reports indicate that the smoke from the forest fires has temporarily affected some domestic flights. Similar situations may arise in the future, so those using domestic flights in Peru are encouraged to stay informed and verify the latest status with airport authorities and airlines.
