We would like to inform you of the following incidents of robberies that occurred on board our buses, in which Japanese nationals were the victims.
1 Date and time of occurrence
Saturday, July 6, around 6:00 p.m.
2 Place of Incident
Vila Clementino, São Paulo City, at the intersection of Rua Sena Madureira and Rua Domingos de Morais
3 Incident Summary
The Japanese victim’s family was driving their car and waiting at a traffic light at the above location. As soon as they started the car on a green light, someone broke the passenger-side window glass and robbed them of their cell phone, which was installed in the room (rear) mirror for navigation purposes. At that time, a family member riding in the back seat saw a young man dressed in red driving away in the opposite direction of the car. Since the window glass was covered with UV film, shattering of the glass was minimized and there were no injuries to the Japanese victim or his family.
4 Damaged goods
Cell phone, cell phone holder for room mirror, window glass
5 Crime prevention measures
(1) When traveling by car, especially when stuck in traffic jams or waiting at traffic lights, please pay close attention to your surroundings for suspicious cars, motorcycles, or people.
(2) In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of robberies targeting cell phones while riding in a vehicle. As described on page 12 of the “Safety Guide” below, please consider using bulletproof mountings or shatterproof film.
(3) If you are involved in a robbery, please obey the demands of the criminal and do not run away, resist, or make any quick movements that could be mistaken for resistance, as attempting to resist could endanger your life.
(4) It is also a good idea to have a wallet and a certain amount of cash ready to hand over to the bandit, and to keep your passport, cards, and other valuables hidden under your feet or in the trunk of your car.