Ethiopia: Alert for Meskel Festival



  • The Meskel Festival is on Friday, September 27.
  • Large-scale events will be held at Meskel Square in Addis Ababa, leading to road closures in the surrounding areas.
  • Please take extra security precautions when going out.

【Main Text】

  1. The Meskel Eve celebration will take place on Thursday, September 26, and the Meskel Festival, a Christian celebration, will occur on Friday, September 27, across various locations in the country.
  2. Each year, large-scale events are held at Meskel Square in Addis Ababa. As a result, multiple major roads leading to Meskel Square are expected to be extensively closed from around 11 a.m. on Thursday, September 26, until approximately 7 p.m. on Friday, September 27, when the events conclude.
  3. During the events, traffic regulations and security checks are expected to cause congestion near Meskel Square, and a very large crowd is anticipated.
  4. Places where large crowds gather, such as the event venue, could be potential targets for terrorist attacks. Additionally, there is a risk of theft, such as pickpocketing and snatching. The possibility of excited crowds becoming unruly cannot be ruled out.
  5. Japanese residents are encouraged to gather the latest information, avoid approaching closed-off areas, directions with unusual sounds, and places where crowds are gathering when going out, and to exercise sufficient caution.
  6. Furthermore, incidents of theft, including pickpocketing and snatching, have been frequent in Addis Ababa, so please be careful when going out.
