Sweden: Security Situation


Please be aware that there are many thefts and robberies in Sweden from August to October every year.
The terrorism threat level in Sweden has been elevated since last year to the fourth (high) level out of five, and the risk is high.
To avoid being involved in an incident or accident, please continue to collect information on security and safety measures, and pay more attention to safety.

1 In Sweden, more thefts and robberies occur than in Japan (for example, the percentage of thefts and robberies in Stockholm Prefecture last year was about 8.8 times that in Tokyo). ) In particular, there are many incidents between August and October every year.

Examples of Japanese victims this year
While taking a break at an airport café, a Japanese man hung his bag on the back of the chair he was sitting on, only to find that it was gone.
A Japanese national who was shopping at a convenience store in Stockholm and found his passport missing (the same incident occurred at the airport).

In particular, there have been many cases of pickpockets targeting tourists at the airport, hotel restaurants, and tourist attractions such as Gamla Stan and museums.
In recent years, there have been frequent incidents of gunshots and explosions mainly in urban and suburban areas due to gang wars, and some civilians have died as a result.
When traveling in Sweden during summer vacation, please be careful not to be involved in such incidents.

2 In addition, Sweden has become the focus of increased attention from Islamic extremism due to the many Koran burning rallies that have taken place in the country, and since last August, the terrorist threat level in Sweden has been raised to the fourth (high) of five levels. This means that there is a high threat that activists with the intention and ability to carry out terrorist attacks will carry out an attack. In addition, since last October, there have been many anti-Israel and anti-Semitic demonstrations and rallies in response to the tense situation in the Middle East, and there have also been incidents of gunfire against the Israeli Embassy and other incidents.

3 In light of the above, we would like to ask all Japanese who are traveling or planning to travel to Sweden or reside in Sweden to always be aware of their personal safety and to collect the latest security information through the media to avoid being involved in any incidents or accidents. In particular, please be aware of places that are easy targets for terrorists and thieves (tourist facilities and their surroundings, event venues, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets, nightclubs, movie theaters, public transportation and other public gathering places, churches, mosques, synagogues and other religious facilities, government-related facilities (especially the military, police, and security-related facilities), When visiting a facility with a large number of people such as shopping malls, supermarkets, nightclubs, movie theaters, public transportation facilities, religious facilities such as churches, mosques, synagogues, and government facilities (especially military, police, and security facilities) (*), please ensure your own safety by leaving immediately if you detect any suspicious situation.
(*) The Islamic extremist organization “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)” has called for targeting civilian targets and religious targets such as synagogues and churches rather than the military.

4 Please refer to the following points as a response in case you are involved in an unforeseen situation.
(1) Basic response
(a) If you hear the sound of an explosion or gunfire, immediately take a low posture, such as lying down on the spot, and hide behind a sturdy object.
(b) Check your surroundings and, if possible, quickly evacuate to a safe place, keeping a low posture, away from the sound of gunfire, etc. In case of an enclosed space, be aware that rushing to the entrance or exit may cause secondary damage such as falling down.
c. Explosions may occur more than once, so do not go to check on the situation after an explosion.
d. In the case of a terrorist attack using a blade or blunt weapon, keep your distance from the perpetrator. Use objects in your surroundings to protect yourself from attack.
(e) If you detect a suspicious situation that is out of the ordinary, ensure your safety and call the police (112).
