Denmark: Alert, Demonstration Against the Gaza Conflict at the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen (September 11, 2024)


Demonstration Alert:  Demonstration Against the Gaza Conflict at the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen (September 11, 2024)


Location:  U.S. Embassy Copenhagen


EventOn Wednesday, September 11, at approximately 5:30 pm, a group of roughly 50 demonstrators is expected to arrive at the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen to demonstrate against the conflict in Gaza with bullhorns, flags, and bannersWe advise you to remain vigilant by avoiding areas where such demonstrations occur and exercising caution in the vicinity of large gatherings.  Copenhagen police will be on hand to monitor the situation.


Actions to Take: 

·         Avoid large gatherings. 

·         Be aware of your surroundings.  

·         Monitor local media for updates.

·         Keep a low profile.
