El Salvador: Danger Advisory


Danger Levels and Points

Danger Levels:

• Mejicanos, Apopa, Ciudad Delgado, Colón, Quezaltepeque, and Sacatecoluca:
Level 2: Avoid non-essential travel. (Ongoing)
• San Salvador Centro, San Matías, Panchimalco, and Aguilares:
Level 1: Exercise caution. (Downgraded)
• Other Areas:
Level 1: Exercise caution. (Ongoing)


• In the six cities with Danger Level 2, criminal gangs such as the “Maras,” which were designated as “terrorist organizations” by Salvadoran authorities in 2015, continue to maintain their influence. Avoid non-essential travel to these areas if possible. While many members of the gangs have been detained by law enforcement and their activities have decreased, various crimes remain prevalent.
• In San Salvador Centro, San Matías, Panchimalco, and Aguilares, where gang-related homicides were once common, crime rates have decreased due to the detention of many gang members. As a result, the danger level has been downgraded from Level 2 to Level 1. However, continued caution is advised.


1. Overview:
(1) In El Salvador, crimes committed by the “Maras” criminal gangs are widespread. In August 2015, the Salvadoran Supreme Court designated the “Maras” as “terrorist organizations,” leading the Salvadoran government to intensify crackdowns. As a result, the number of homicides per 100,000 people, which reached a record high of 105 in 2015, has decreased. The Bukele administration, which began its term in June 2019, prioritized security measures but faced a surge in homicides from March 25-26, 2022. In response, the government implemented exceptional measures starting March 27, detaining over 80,000 gang members as of August 2024. Although homicide and robbery rates have decreased (2.4 deaths per 100,000 people in 2023), there is still a risk of worsening security due to potential backlash from gangs or mass escapes.
(2) Due to government-led security measures, gangs have fled to suburban, coastal, and mountainous areas or abroad. Law enforcement is conducting searches, which could result in confrontations. Remain vigilant.
2. Regional Situations:
(1) Mejicanos, Apopa, Ciudad Delgado, Colón, Quezaltepeque, and Sacatecoluca:
Level 2: Avoid non-essential travel. (Ongoing)
Although gang activities have decreased, crimes such as robbery, assault, and theft remain prevalent. Be cautious as there may be clashes with law enforcement during gang searches and detentions.
(2) San Salvador Centro, San Matías, Panchimalco, and Aguilares:
Level 1: Exercise caution. (Downgraded)
These areas, previously known for high crime rates including gang violence, have seen a reduction in violent crimes due to increased law enforcement. Exercise continued caution despite improvements.
(3) Other Areas:
Level 1: Exercise caution. (Ongoing)
While gang-related crimes have decreased, thefts and robberies continue. Be discreet and stay informed about local security conditions to avoid becoming a victim. Even in relatively safer areas like Escalón and San Benito in San Salvador, crimes such as theft and sexual offenses still occur.
