Ethiopia: Advisory for New Year’s Day on September 11



• Wednesday, September 11, marks the Ethiopian New Year.
• Traffic congestion is expected this weekend due to an increase in shoppers.
• Be cautious of potential thefts taking advantage of the crowds.

【Main Text】

1. Wednesday, September 11, is the Ethiopian New Year.
2. This weekend, traffic congestion is expected in Addis Ababa and other major cities due to an increase in shoppers. Please plan ahead and allow extra time for your outings.
3. There is a risk of theft (pickpocketing and bag snatching), robbery, and car break-ins due to the crowded conditions. Please exercise extra caution.
4. To avoid becoming a victim of crime:
(1) In Addis Ababa, incidents of theft (pickpocketing and bag snatching) and robberies occur frequently at all hours. Both Ethiopians and foreigners can be targeted at any time. When walking, always be aware that you may be a target. Avoid walking early in the morning or late at night.
(2) Pickpocketing and bag snatching are often carried out by drawing attention through methods such as grabbing your arm, throwing water or spit on you, or pretending to sell something, before stealing your valuables. If it is obvious that you are carrying a mobile phone and it is not secured, you are at risk. Attach chains or straps to wallets, mobile phones, and other valuables and secure them to your clothing or body.
(3) Always be aware of your surroundings. If you notice suspicious individuals approaching or sense any unusual situations, leave the area immediately and seek help from nearby police officers or those around you, using clear and direct language.
(4) If you are threatened by someone with a weapon, prioritize your safety and comply without resisting.
