Serbia: Traffic Blockades Expected Near Serbia-Kosovo Border – September 6


Security Alert – U. S. Embassy Belgrade, Serbia (September 5, 2024)

Location: Near Border Crossings from Serbia into Kosovo

Event: Several organizations will reportedly block traffic near border crossings from Serbia into Kosovo, starting at 6:00 pm on Friday, September 6. Crossings in Serbia that could be affected include Merdare, Jarinje, Brnjak, Končulj. It is unclear how long the demonstrations may last.

Police expect large crowds, street closures, and traffic delays in the vicinity of the blockades. If you are in the vicinity of the area, please remain vigilant. Should you encounter disorderly crowds or violent situations, leave the area immediately. If you are unable to leave, find a safe location to shelter in place.

Actions to Take:

· Avoid the area if possible.

· Monitor local media for updates.

· Avoid crowds.

· Avoid demonstrators.

· Keep a low profile.

· Notify friends and family of your safety.

· Be aware of your surroundings.

· Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists/Westerners.

· Review your personal security plans.

· Seek secure shelter.
