France: Protests and Gatherings (Anti-Government and Anti-Whaling)


● On September 7 (Saturday), protests are scheduled to take place in various cities across France (and some abroad) in response to the appointment of the new Prime Minister, as called for by “France Insoumise.”
● Additionally, on September 6 (Friday), a rally organized by Sea Shepherd (SS) will be held in La Rochelle to demand the release of Paul Watson, the former Sea Shepherd leader detained in Greenland, a Danish autonomous territory.
● Stay updated with the latest information through news reports, avoid approaching protest and rally sites, and if you encounter such events, promptly leave the area to ensure your safety.

1. In response to the appointment of the new Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, on September 5, “France Insoumise” has intensified its opposition to President Macron, calling for protests across France on September 7. The protests are expected to include participation from new popular fronts, trade unions, student organizations, and environmental groups.
• Date & Time: September 7 (Saturday), 14:00
• Location: Place de la Bastille, 4th arrondissement
Other Cities:

Le 7 septembre, marchons contre le coup de force de Macron - La France insoumise
La France insoumise appelle à participer à la manifestation du 7 septembre contre la coup de force de Macron, organisée ...

2. On July 21, 2024, Danish autonomous territory Greenland’s police announced the detention of Paul Watson, former Sea Shepherd leader, based on an international arrest warrant issued by INTERPOL at Japan’s request. Following this, Sea Shepherd France and its branches have organized rallies across French cities demanding Watson’s release. Another rally is scheduled for September 6 in La Rochelle.
Date & Time: September 6 (Friday), 18:00 – 19:30
Location: La Rochelle (Old Port area)
3. Various demonstrations and gatherings are commonly held in France, especially on weekends. While authorized protests are generally peaceful, remain vigilant to avoid potential trouble. Stay informed through news reports, avoid approaching protest sites, and if you encounter such events, promptly leave the area to prioritize your safety.
