Nigeria: Cholera Outbreak in Lagos



  • On June 11, reports indicated a cholera outbreak in Lagos, specifically in the Eti Osa, Lagos Island, Ikorodu, and Kosofe areas. Five people have died, and 60 individuals have been hospitalized. In response, the Lagos State Government has intensified preventive measures to curb the spread of the infection.

Cholera Overview:

  1. Symptoms: Cholera is characterized by severe diarrhea that resembles rice water. Fever is typically not present. The primary cause of death is dehydration due to excessive diarrhea.
  2. Transmission: Cholera is transmitted through consuming water or food contaminated by the feces of an infected person (oral transmission). Ice made from unsafe water can also be a risk. Inadequate handwashing can lead to infection if contaminated hands touch the face. For a clear explanation of transmission routes, watch the video by the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC): Video on Cholera Transmission.
  3. Treatment: If oral intake is possible, use commercially available or homemade oral rehydration solutions to replace lost fluids. Antibiotics are generally not necessary. If oral intake is not possible, hospitalization for intravenous fluid replacement and antibiotics is required. Homemade oral rehydration solution can be made by adding 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 3 teaspoons of sugar, and a little lemon juice (optional) to 500-600 ml of bottled water. Drink it on the same day it’s made. Note: 1 teaspoon equals 1 small spoon.
  4. Prevention: Wash hands with soap before eating, cooking, and after using the toilet. Regularly use alcohol-based hand sanitizers to disinfect hands.

For More Information:

Advice for Residents:

  • Stay updated on local health advisories and take all recommended precautions to protect yourself from cholera.
