Brazil: Security Situation in Northeastern Brazil

  • Increase in Violent Crimes: Compared to last year, there has been a rise in serious crimes such as murders and aggravated robberies in Northeastern Brazil.
  • Current Trends in 2024: Reports indicate a high number of murders and robberies involving firearms and knives. In Recife, there have been incidents involving robbers posing as police officers.
  • Safety Advice: Be aware of the deteriorating security situation. If you hear gunshots nearby, take immediate action to ensure your safety by crouching and hiding behind vehicles or buildings, and flee the area as quickly as possible. The basic principles are “Hide, Take Cover, and Escape.”
  • Crime Statistics: Although nationwide murder rates in Brazil have decreased in 2023 compared to the previous year, Pernambuco State has seen an increase (up 5.5%). The number of victims per 100,000 people is particularly high in Pernambuco (38.8), Bahia (34.3), Alagoas (36.2), Ceará (33.8), Paraíba (25), and Rio Grande do Norte (28.8), compared to the national average (19.4) and São Paulo (6.7).
  • Robbery and Assault Statistics: The rates for crimes such as robbery leading to death and assault leading to death remain high in Northeastern Brazil. Victim rates per 100,000 people are: Pernambuco (35.87), Bahia (32.31), Alagoas (32.88), and Ceará (31.79).
  • If You Are a Victim: If you fall victim to a robbery or similar crime, do not resist. Criminals often carry weapons such as guns or knives, and resisting or attempting to escape can provoke severe violence. Also, perpetrators often work in groups, increasing the risk of multiple attackers.
  • Impersonation of Police Officers: There have been cases in Recife where robbers have posed as police officers. If someone claiming to be a police officer comes to your home, do not open the door easily. Verify their identity and purpose of visit carefully.
  • Contact Information: If you are a victim of crime or become aware of such incidents involving Japanese nationals, please contact the Japanese consulate. For emergencies, the 24-hour emergency hotline is available.
