Maldives: Increase in Chikungunya Cases

  • In April, there has been a significant increase in chikungunya cases in Malé. According to the Maldives Health Protection Agency (HPA), 134 cases of chikungunya have been reported this year, with 129 of these occurring in April. Out of the 134 cases, 130 were in Malé, while the remaining 4 were in other atolls.
  • Chikungunya infection typically presents with fever and joint pain, and rashes are often observed. Joint pain can persist for weeks or months, and symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and muscle pain may also occur.
  • Like dengue fever, chikungunya is transmitted through mosquito bites from infected mosquitoes. In the Maldives, these infections tend to peak during the rainy season. To prevent infection, please consider the following precautions:
    • Wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors, and use mosquito repellent lotion or spray on exposed skin.
    • Mosquitoes are more active in the early morning and evening, so keep doors and windows closed during these times.
    • Regularly clean areas around water to prevent mosquito breeding.
