Morocco: Warning About Stray Dogs


Incident Report: On April 5, a Japanese woman traveling in Fez, Morocco, was bitten by a stray dog.

Current Situation:

  • Morocco has a significant population of stray dogs, which can pose health risks.
  • Recent reports indicate that several individuals in Morocco have succumbed to rabies annually.
  • In 2022, a tragic incident in Agadir involved a young girl who was attacked and killed by a stray dog.

Health Risks:

  • Stray dogs in Morocco may be carriers of dangerous diseases, including rabies. Rabies can be transmitted not only by dogs but also by cats, bats, and other animals.
  • Rabies is a serious illness that can be fatal if not treated promptly.

Precautionary Measures:

  1. Avoid Contact:
    • Do not approach or attempt to touch stray dogs. Keep a safe distance to prevent potential attacks or bites.
  2. If Bitten or Scratched:
    • Immediate Action: Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water.
    • Seek Medical Attention: Go to a health facility immediately to receive post-exposure rabies prophylaxis (PEP), which includes rabies vaccination.
  3. Preventive Measures:
    • Pre-Exposure Vaccination: Consider receiving pre-exposure rabies vaccination if you will be traveling to areas with a high incidence of rabies or if you will have contact with animals.
    • Awareness: Be aware of local health advisories and follow safety recommendations related to animals.

Local Resources:

  • For assistance or to report incidents involving stray dogs, contact local health authorities or animal control services.

Further Information:

  • Stay informed about health and safety measures related to animal bites and rabies, and take appropriate preventive actions.
