Timor-Leste: Violence Between Martial Arts Groups


Violence between martial arts groups has continued to sporadically occur in Dili. If you encounter noisy groups of young people, it is advisable to leave the area promptly and exercise caution when traveling at night. Please remain vigilant and take safety precautions to ensure your personal safety.

  1. Violence between martial arts groups has continued to sporadically occur in Dili. Recent major incidents are as follows:
    • On the night of March 23 (Saturday), there was stone-throwing between youth groups in Aimutin, Beto Barat. The PNTL used tear gas to control the situation. According to reports, one police officer was injured, and a nearby house was damaged.
    • On the night of March 31 (Sunday), a fight occurred between youth groups near the Timor Lodge Hotel at Comoro Nicolau Lobato Roundabout.
