Myanmar: Explosion Incident Near Sule Square in Yangon


On March 27th, around 7:30 PM, an explosion occurred in downtown Yangon, resulting in injuries.

According to media reports, the explosion took place near Sule Square and Chaukhtatgyi Police Station in the Kyauktada Township. Several people, including a child who reportedly picked up an explosive device, were injured.

Such incidents can occur anywhere and at any time, making it difficult to predict. Even during the day, there is a risk of unexpected events. Therefore, we urge all Japanese nationals to take the following precautions and exercise extreme caution for their safety.

(1) Avoid military installations, police stations, and other government-related facilities. Never touch or approach any suspicious objects on the street. If you notice any suspicious activity, leave the area immediately and always be aware of your surroundings. (2) If an explosion occurs nearby, be aware that there is a possibility of multiple explosions in the same area over a period of time. Do not approach the scene under any circumstances and leave the area as quickly as possible using a safe route.
