Indonesia: Scam Involving Individuals Posing as Bank Employees


Overview: A recent scam involves individuals posing as bank employees who contact victims with urgent claims about credit card fraud, leading to unauthorized transfers from the victims’ accounts.

Details of the Scam:

  1. Initial Contact:
    • Victims receive a phone call from someone claiming to be a bank employee, inquiring whether they have used their credit card that day.
  2. Urgent Action Required:
    • When the victim confirms they have not used their credit card, the caller insists on immediate action, stating there are signs of fraudulent activity.
  3. Deceptive Tactics:
    • Scammers may have researched the victim’s email address and send emails that mimic official communications. The phone number used by the scammer may closely resemble the bank’s call center number, adding to the deception.
  4. Instructions to Victims:
    • The scammer directs the victim to a special account via SMS and instructs them to enter their account password and press a cancel button multiple times to prevent fraud. Following these instructions results in the victim repeatedly entering their information.
  5. Discovery of Fraud:
    • After ending the call, the victim contacts the bank’s legitimate call center and learns that no such request or fraud alert was issued, only to find out that unauthorized transactions have occurred.


  • Verify Contact Information:
    • Even if the caller seems to have accurate information, do not trust them immediately. Hang up and call the bank back using an official number to verify the request.
  • Be Cautious with Personal Information:
    • Avoid providing sensitive information over the phone or via SMS, especially if you did not initiate the contact.
  • Report Suspicious Activity:
    • If you suspect a scam, contact your bank immediately to report it and secure your account.

Stay vigilant and ensure you are communicating with genuine representatives by using verified contact details.
