Uganda: Alert on Counterfeit Currency


We have received reports from residents that counterfeit 50,000-shilling notes were received at currency exchange services.

• Receiving counterfeit money not only causes financial loss but also carries the risk of being accused of using counterfeit currency if it goes unnoticed.

To avoid such issues, please follow these precautions:

1. Avoid using currency exchange services with unusually favorable rates or local exchange services.
2. Since counterfeit notes are often high-denomination (50,000 shillings), request lower-denomination notes (20,000 shillings or less).
3. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of counterfeit notes and check for authenticity immediately when receiving exchanged currency.

Characteristics of counterfeit notes include:

1. Hologram: The green hologram in the center of the front side (featuring a person holding a flag) shows a noticeable “light streak” when illuminated.
2. Watermark: The “crowned crane” watermark on the left edge of the back side (depicting a gorilla) is clearly visible without light (it is printed, not a true watermark).
3. Creases: The printing on the creases may appear as “white lines” due to wear (genuine notes retain the crease printing even if worn).
4. Texture: Counterfeit notes use glossy paper, making them feel smoother compared to genuine notes (although they are the same thickness).
