Brazil: Shooting Incident in the Centro District of Manaus


1. Date and Time of Occurrence:
Early morning of Tuesday, February 6

2. Location:
At a gas station on Quintino Bocaiuva Street in the southern Centro district of Manaus (approximately 3.1 km south of the Consulate General of Japan in Manaus).
Map of the Incident Location

3. Incident Overview:
According to reports, two perpetrators approached a parked car at the gas station on Quintino Bocaiuva Street and fired multiple gunshots at two men inside the vehicle, aged 19 and 24, killing them. After the shooting, several accomplices of the perpetrators gathered around the car, stole the victims’ belongings, and fled the scene.
Source: G1 Globo

4. Consulate General’s Recommendations:

  • If you hear gunfire nearby:
    Immediately “take cover” (standing increases the risk of being hit). Look for an opportunity to safely evacuate.
  • If you hear gunfire from a distance or are able to move:
    “Flee” the area. Remain calm and move to a safe location.
  • If you are unable to flee:
    “Hide” in a secure location, using obstacles to shield yourself from view and protect your safety.
  • If you encounter a robbery:
    “Do not resist,” “avoid eye contact with the robbers,” and “comply with their demands” (move slowly to avoid provoking them).
