Guatemala: Alert for Shooting Incident in Zone 10, Guatemala City


On the afternoon of the 28th (Wednesday), a shooting incident occurred inside a restaurant in Zone 10, Guatemala City.

To avoid becoming involved in such dangerous incidents, please remain vigilant even in your routine locations.

Details of the Incident:

  • Date and Time: Around 4:30 PM on the 28th (Wednesday)
  • Location: 4 Avenida y 7 Calle, Zona 10
    Google Maps Link
  • Victims:
    • 35-year-old Guatemalan man (deceased)
    • Five Guatemalan individuals (seriously injured)
  • Summary: According to reports, a group of three masked individuals entered the restaurant and directly shot the victim. Five other individuals present were also caught in the crossfire. The assailants later exited the restaurant; two were arrested by nearby police officers a short distance away, while one remains at large. It is likely the attack was targeted specifically at the victim, and the investigation is ongoing.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, please take calm actions such as lying down or hiding under a table.

Recently, there has been an increase in violent crime in areas of Guatemala City that were previously considered relatively safe, both during the day and at night. To avoid being caught in such incidents, stay alert to changes in the atmosphere, the number of people, and traffic conditions.
