Summary: A Japanese traveler fell victim to a pickpocketing incident in an office building in the Retiro district of Buenos Aires. The perpetrators were a group of three men who replaced the victim’s backpack with an empty one.
Incident Details:
- Incident Overview:
- Date: March 22, 2023
- Time: 11:40 AM
- Location: Reception counter on the ground floor of an office building in Retiro, Buenos Aires
- Victim: Japanese traveler
- Stolen Items: Passport, laptop, and other items from a backpack
- Perpetrators: Three men, well-dressed and not appearing as local slum dwellers
- Incident Description:
- Situation:
- The victim placed a small suitcase in front of them and their backpack on the floor near their right foot while completing entry procedures at the reception counter.
- During this time, two of the perpetrators, who were carrying a backpack, approached the victim from behind, and discreetly swapped their backpack with the victim’s.
- The victim did not notice the swap as it happened outside their field of view.
- Discovery:
- Upon completing the entry procedures and attempting to retrieve their backpack, the victim realized that their backpack had been replaced with an empty one.
- Surveillance Footage:
- The office building’s security cameras captured the perpetrators’ actions. They acted in a coordinated manner:
- One perpetrator performed the swap.
- Another monitored the victim to ensure they did not notice the crime.
- The third kept a lookout from a distance.
- The office building’s security cameras captured the perpetrators’ actions. They acted in a coordinated manner:
- Situation:
- Preventive Measures:
- General Awareness:
- The Retiro area is known for its high crime rates, particularly due to the nearby slum. Always remain vigilant and keep your belongings close.
- Safety Tips:
- Avoid placing valuables like passports and mobile phones all in one bag. Use a waist pouch or other secure carrying methods to distribute your valuables.
- Keep constant watch over your belongings, especially in areas with high foot traffic and when interacting with others.
- General Awareness: