Bolivia: Theft Incident on Long-Distance Bus


Summary: In March 2023, a theft occurred on a long-distance bus traveling from Uyuni to La Paz involving Japanese tourists. Similar incidents can happen anywhere, so it’s essential to stay vigilant.

Incident Details:

  1. Overview of the Incident:
    • Date: March 2023
    • Route: Uyuni to La Paz
    • Description: Out of five Japanese travelers on the bus, three noticed after disembarking that cash and electronic devices were missing. Only cash was stolen from wallets.
  2. Items Stolen:
    • Cash
    • Electronic devices
    • Camera
    • Note: No personal injuries reported.
  3. Preventive Measures:
    • a. Never take your eyes off your belongings and avoid placing them in a location far from your body.
    • b. Maintain constant vigilance. Occasionally glance around to show awareness, making it less likely for you to be targeted.
