South Africa: Credit Card Theft at Cape Town Bus Station


Caution: Credit card fraud and theft involving ATMs are frequently occurring in Cape Town. Please be aware.

• On August 9 (Friday) around 5 PM, a short-term traveler was at the long-distance bus station next to Cape Town Station when they were directed by a man to an ATM for bus ticket issuance. The traveler was surrounded by two or three other men who instructed them to use their credit card for a cash advance. The traveler inserted one credit card and entered their PIN, after which the receipt was taken, and the card did not return from the ATM. The men then guided the traveler to insert another credit card and perform the same operations. When the second card also did not return, the traveler stopped using the ATM, and the men fled the scene. The traveler promptly canceled both credit cards, but unauthorized transactions had already occurred. It is suspected that the men stole the cards while they were stuck in the ATM.
• Credit card theft is frequently occurring. Please take the following precautions:
1. Bus tickets are not issued outside of official ticket counters.
2. If you have pre-booked your bus, most companies do not require ticket issuance. Confirm with the relevant bus company.
3. Criminals may use various tactics to get you to reveal your credit card. Generally, avoid engaging with them and leave the situation immediately.
4. If confronted with a weapon and asked for money, do not resist. Resistance may lead to greater harm, including the use of firearms or knives.