Bolivia: Theft Incident Near Salar de Uyuni


1. Incident Overview

  • Date and Time: June 26, 2022, around 9:00 PM
  • Location: Near Salar de Uyuni, at a local restaurant
  • Details: A Japanese visitor, dining with friends at a restaurant near Salar de Uyuni, discovered that a pouch containing their passport and smartphone, which was left on a chair, had gone missing. Despite searching the restaurant, the items were not found.

2. Items Stolen

  • Passport
  • Smartphone
  • No personal injuries reported

3. Safety Tips

  • Never Leave Belongings Unattended: Always keep your belongings within sight and never leave them in an unattended spot.
  • Carry Valuables When Moving: Even when multiple people are moving away from a table, take valuables with you.
  • Maintain Vigilance: Stay alert and occasionally glance around to demonstrate awareness, which can help deter potential thieves.
