Venezuela: Robbery Incident at Parque del Este


1. Date and Time of Incident

  • June 10 (Thursday), around 8:30 AM

2. Location

  • Parque del Este “Generalisimo Francisco de Miranda” (commonly known as Parque del Este)
  • Incident occurred in the northern area known as Laguna de los Patos

3. Incident Overview

  • On June 10, around 8:30 AM, the victim was training in the Laguna de los Patos area when they were attacked by two assailants. One of the assailants restrained the victim, while the other pointed a pistol at the victim’s head and demanded their belongings. The assailants then fled the scene.

4. Safety Tips

  • Avoid High-Risk Areas: Be cautious in public parks and other areas known for high crime rates, even during daylight hours.
  • Travel in Groups: Whenever possible, exercise in public spaces with others rather than alone.
  • Secure Valuables: Keep personal belongings secure and close to you. Avoid displaying valuables in public.
  • Stay Alert: Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. If something seems suspicious, take precautionary measures to ensure your safety.

Foreign crime victimsRobberyVenezuela