Switzerland: Alert for Anti-Whaling Group Demonstration in Geneva


• On the evening of August 6 (Tuesday), a demonstration was held at Place des Nations (in front of the United Nations headquarters) in Geneva, demanding the release of former Sea Shepherd (SS) leader Paul Watson, who was detained in Greenland.


1. On July 21, 2024, Greenland police detained Paul Watson based on an international arrest warrant issued by INTERPOL at Japan’s request.
2. The August 6 demonstration in Geneva was in response to Watson’s detention, and similar demonstrations might occur in other locations.
3. Continue to monitor local news for updates and avoid areas where demonstrations or gatherings are taking place. If you encounter such events, leave the area promptly and prioritize your safety.
4. If you become aware of any incidents involving Japanese nationals, please contact the local Japanese embassy or consulate.


• Stay informed through news sources.
• Avoid areas with ongoing demonstrations or large gatherings.
• If you come across a demonstration, ensure your safety by leaving the area promptly.
