Pakistan: Advisory for Independence Day


• August 14 (Wednesday) marks Pakistan’s Independence Day, with various celebrations and events held nationwide each year.
• There is a possibility of terrorist attacks or other incidents targeting large gatherings, so it is essential to act with caution.

1. August 14 (Wednesday) is Pakistan’s Independence Day, and celebrations are expected to take place across the country.
2. Many people are expected to gather in markets, parks, and other public places for the celebrations, which could potentially be targeted for terrorist attacks. There is also a risk of violence breaking out at such events.
3. For Japanese nationals:
• On August 14, avoid areas where large crowds are expected to minimize the risk of being caught up in unforeseen incidents. Follow these precautions:
• Stay updated with local news for the latest information and act safely.
• Avoid areas that are likely targets (government buildings, military/police facilities, gathering places, religious sites). Conduct any necessary activities quickly and efficiently, staying alert to your surroundings. If you notice suspicious situations, leave the area immediately.
• Do not approach areas where rallies or protests are taking place or are expected.
• If you encounter rallies or protests while traveling, leave the area promptly.
4. Additionally, be aware that there may be restrictions on mobile phone services in some areas due to government or military communication needs. Ensure you have alternative means of communication, such as landlines or the internet.
