Jordan: Advisory on Tawjeeh


According to reports, the results of the Tawjeeh exam, which qualifies students for university admission, are scheduled to be announced on August 8 (Thursday) at 5:00 PM.

Please be cautious of the following:
– Increased road congestion due to the surge in vehicles celebrating results
– Dangerous driving behaviors such as drifting and speeding
– Accidental injuries from celebratory gunfire

On August 4, Deputy Minister of Education Nawaaf Al-Ajarmeh announced that the Tawjeeh results will be released on August 8 (Thursday) at 5:00 PM. There is also information suggesting that unofficial results may spread online before the official announcement.

Each year, following the announcement, there are incidents of increased traffic congestion due to the rise in celebratory vehicles, dangerous driving such as drifting and speeding, and injuries from stray bullets fired in celebration.

If you are staying in or traveling to Jordan, please be mindful of these risks when traveling by car. Such dangerous behaviors may continue for several days, especially during the night. Last year, there were also incidents of stray bullets injuring others during celebrations. To avoid such risks, avoid unnecessary outdoor activities, stay away from areas where celebrations are taking place, and if you hear gunfire, immediately seek safety.

Please take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety.
