Brazil: Number of bus robberies in Manaus


1 Overview
According to a local newspaper report dated August 2, an average of 100 bus robberies a month and an average of 3 to 5 robberies a day are reported in Manaus, and security authorities say that criminal groups operating in certain areas of the city are involved.

Security authorities are also stepping up investigations, and on July 30, a suspect involved in a bus robbery was arrested in the vicinity of the Manaus Industrial Park.


Em média, três ônibus são assaltados por dia em Manaus
Segundo o presidente do Sinetram, Társsio Marques, o número já foi maior sendo cinco roubos por dia. Ele afirmou operaçõ...

2 Request from the Consulate General
(1) Please refrain from walking while operating your smartphone on the street.
(2) Please avoid wearing expensive watches, necklaces, and other items that are easy targets.
(3) When going out, please keep your personal belongings to the minimum necessary, and spread out your valuables.
(4) If you happen to be the victim of a robbery, do not resist and do as the robber demands.
(5) Avoid traveling on foot on Sundays, early in the morning, and at night when there are few people around.
(6) Please refrain from using local buses, as there have been incidents of robbery.
