Finland: Information on Rally Events in Jyvaskyla


A rally event will be held in the city of Jyvaskyla from Thursday, August 1 to Sunday, August 4. Traffic regulations are scheduled to be enforced in the area.
Please be careful of lost or stolen personal belongings in areas where many people gather.
Please be careful not to get caught up in any unforeseen or unnecessary trouble when demonstrations are being held.

A rally event (World Rally Championship) will be held in Jyvaskyla from Thursday, August 1 to Sunday, August 4. Traffic regulations will be enforced on the course and in the surrounding area. Please refer to the following page for details.
City of Jyvaskyla website “Special traffic arrangements during Secto Automotive Rally Finland (the Rally Finland) 1-4 August AUGUST

he event may be crowded with spectators, and the possibility of loss or theft of personal belongings is increased in crowded areas. Due to the increase in the number of travelers, the Museum has received a number of reports of lost or stolen passports from travelers, so please take precautions.
There have been reports of demonstrations by the environmental group Extinction Rebellion during the event. If a demonstration is taking place, please be careful not to get caught up in any unforeseen and unnecessary trouble.

Yle article

Elokapina aikoo järjestää kaksi mielenosoitusta Jyväskylässä MM-rallien aikana, vain toisesta on ilmoitettu poliisille
Rallikapina järjestetään Jyväskylässä kolmatta kertaa.

The National Museum of Foreign Languages collects and analyzes information on crimes and accidents involving Japanese residents and travelers. If you are a victim of a crime or accident, please report it to the police authorities and also to the museum.
