Middle East: Alert on Rising Tensions in the Middle East Region


It has been reported that Ismail Haniya, the political director of Hamas, was killed in Tehran, the capital of Iran.
The possibility of a rapid deterioration of the situation in the Middle East cannot be ruled out, and we ask that you keep yourself updated on the latest information and work to ensure your own safety.

1 On July 31, Iranian state television and other media reported that Hamas Political Director Ismail Haniya was killed in Tehran, the capital of Iran.

2 Although details are not known at this time, the possibility of a rapid deterioration of the situation in the Middle East cannot be ruled out for the time being, so please exercise caution by gathering and confirming the latest information from multiple sources. If the situation should deteriorate rapidly, please ensure your own safety by evacuating to a safe area as soon as possible. In addition, please reconfirm the preparation of your personal belongings and stockpiles of supplies.

3 When traveling abroad, be sure to inform your family, friends, and workplace of your itinerary and contact information in case of emergency.
