We are writing to inform you of the following incidents of burglary in which Japanese nationals were the victims.
1 Date and time of occurrence
Thursday, July 18, from morning to evening (details unknown)
2 Location
A house in Casa Verde, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
3 Incident summary
The victim went out in the morning of the day of the incident and returned home around 5:00 p.m. to find that the outside and inside garage doors had been broken into, respectively, and valuables inside the house had been stolen. All security cameras installed in the house had been taken away, and the neighbors’ security cameras could not confirm any appearance of the perpetrators.
4 Damaged goods
Passport, cash, laptop computer, a set of security camera system, etc. No bodily harm.
5 Crime prevention measures
(1) Whether it is a house or an apartment complex, multiple security measures should be taken to prevent burglary and robbery damage.
(2) When using domestic help, etc., please ask for referrals through reliable channels.
(3) In the unlikely event that you encounter a burglar or robber, please obey his/her demands and do not run away, resist, or make any quick movements that could be mistaken for resistance, as your life may be in danger if you attempt to resist.