Venezuela: Presidential Election (Protests over Election Results: Part 2)


On the 29th, protests erupted in various locations in response to the Venezuelan presidential election results from the 28th, which declared incumbent President Maduro the winner. These protests have resulted in some casualties.

Supporters of both the ruling and opposition parties are scheduled to hold rallies and marches in Caracas on the 30th.

There are concerns that these protests could escalate and lead to deteriorating security conditions. To avoid unforeseen situations, please stay informed through news reports and other sources, and take measures to ensure your safety.

Additionally, please be advised that commercial flights between Panama and the Dominican Republic will be temporarily suspended starting on the 31st.

1. Following the presidential election in Venezuela on the 28th, protests occurred across the country on the 29th, with clashes between supporters of the ruling and opposition parties and security forces resulting in some casualties.

2. On the 30th, the opposition plans a rally at Plaza Chacao Bolivar, near the museum, at 11:00 a.m. Meanwhile, the administration has organized a march involving motorcycle groups from the Petale district to Miraflores, the presidential office, at 2:00 p.m. There is a risk that these events could turn into violent confrontations or clashes with security forces. There is also concern that protests may continue to spread and security conditions could worsen.

3. To avoid being caught in any unforeseen circumstances, please:
(1) Stay away from areas where rallies or marches are taking place. If you encounter one, leave the area immediately.
(2) Be aware that rallies and marches may cause traffic congestion. Allow extra time for travel and stay vigilant of your surroundings.

4. Additionally, note that commercial flights between Panama and the Dominican Republic will be temporarily suspended starting on March 31 due to the election results.
