Cambodia: Important Notice Regarding Stay in Siem Reap Including Angkor Wat Visits


We would like to inform you of the latest precautions for traveling to and staying in the area, including tours of the Angkor ruins:

1. Preparation Before Travel

1. Cambodia Entry Requirements
– Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months.
– A Cambodian visa is required.

3. Travel Insurance
– If you use credit card insurance, be aware that coverage regulations may have changed, potentially affecting your insurance. It is advisable to check the details before departure.

2. Precautions During Your Stay

1. Traffic Accidents
– Traffic law compliance in Cambodia is generally lower than in Japan, with frequent occurrences of speeding, driving in the wrong lane, lane encroachment, drunk driving, ignoring traffic signals, and motorcycles using sidewalks. Foreign tourists, especially those riding bicycles or motorcycles, are often involved in accidents. Recently, a Japanese traveler was seriously injured when hit by a car while cycling near Angkor Wat. Accidents involving tuk-tuks and pedestrians being hit by motorcycles have also been reported. Always exercise extreme caution to avoid traffic accidents.

– In case of a serious injury from a traffic accident, you may need to be transported to a neighboring country or Japan for medical treatment, which can be very costly. It is strongly recommended to have insurance that covers transportation costs.

2. Health Management
– If you have pre-existing conditions, consult a doctor before traveling to assess any risks and ensure you bring sufficient medication. It is advisable to carry a brief English medical certificate and a list of medications. For information on common illnesses, injuries, and medical facilities in Cambodia, refer to: [Cambodia Medical Information]

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3. Natural Disasters
– The rainy season has begun, and there has been an increase in damage from strong winds and lightning. Recently, strong winds caused a large tree to fall in the Angkor ruins area, resulting in injuries and fatalities. If you notice signs of approaching thunderstorms, such as sudden darkness, heavy rain, or thunder, seek shelter in a sturdy building to ensure your safety.

4. Passport Management
– Losing your passport could force you to change your return plans. Keep a close watch on your passport during your stay. If you lose it, first check your belongings thoroughly and contact the last place you visited to see if it was left behind.
