Burundi: Important Notice Regarding the Outbreak of Mpox (Monkeypox)


Key Points:

– On Thursday, July 25, the Ministry of Health of Burundi announced the confirmation of three positive cases of mpox (monkeypox) within the country.
– According to the Ministry, all three individuals who tested positive are recovering, and close contacts have been identified with necessary measures being taken.
– Mpox is a disease that infects both humans and animals, causing symptoms such as fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, lymphadenopathy, muscle aches, and widespread rash. It is highly infectious and can be fatal in severe cases.


– On Thursday, July 25, the Ministry of Health of Burundi held a press conference to announce the confirmation of three positive cases of mpox (monkeypox) within the country. On July 22, three suspected cases (fever, joint pain, widespread rash) were reported at three domestic healthcare facilities, and subsequent tests confirmed all three cases as positive.
– According to the Ministry, all three individuals are recovering, and close contacts have been identified with necessary measures taken.
– The Ministry provides the following advice regarding mpox:
– Mpox is a disease that infects both humans and animals, causing symptoms such as fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, lymphadenopathy, muscle aches, and widespread rash. In some cases, it can cause inflammation of the lungs, eyes, gastrointestinal tract, or brain. It is highly infectious, and delayed treatment can lead to severe outcomes or death.
– Infection can occur through physical contact with infected individuals, indirect contact, secretions from infected individuals or animals, and close-range droplets.
– Practice hand hygiene with clean water and soap, use alcohol-based sanitizers, and avoid contact with individuals showing symptoms.
– If you suspect infection, consult the nearest healthcare facility immediately.
