Tunisia: Risk Information – Revised Danger Levels for Certain Areas


Tunisia: Risk Information [Revised Danger Levels for Certain Areas]

Danger Levels and Areas:
– Level 3: Avoid Travel (Travel Advisory) [Ongoing]
– Mountainous areas in Kasserine and Sidi Bou Zid provinces (around Chaambi, Seloum, Mughila, Smena, and Orbata mountains).
– Mountainous areas in Gafsa province (around Orbata mountain), areas near Algeria-Libya borders, and southern military buffer zones.
– Level 3: Avoid Travel (Travel Advisory) [Partial Adjustment]
– Military buffer zones and areas near Algeria-Libya borders.
– Level 2: Avoid Non-Essential Travel [Ongoing]
– Jendouba province (excluding areas east of Route 17, Tabarka city, Ain Draham city, and Jendouba city), Kef province (excluding areas east of Route 17 and Kef city), and some parts of the southern desert region (excluding cities like Jebil National Park, Bourj Bourguiba, Remada, Tataouine, and Zarzis, and areas south of these cities).
– Level 2: Avoid Non-Essential Travel [Partial Downgrade]
– Kasserine province (excluding the Level 3 areas, Sbeitla city, and certain national roads).
– Level 1: Exercise Caution [Ongoing]
– Areas not covered by Levels 2 or 3.
– Jendouba (east of Route 17), Kef (east of Route 17), Kasserine (excluding Sbeitla city and certain national roads), and parts of the southern desert region (excluding cities and areas north of Jebil National Park, Bourj Bourguiba, Remada, Tataouine, and Zarzis).

Key Points:

– The areas near Algeria-Libya borders are prone to terrorist activities, and military buffer zones are off-limits.
– The mountainous areas in Kasserine, Sidi Bou Zid, and Gafsa are major strongholds for terrorist organizations. Travel to these regions is highly discouraged.
– Some areas with Level 2 warnings may have terrorist presence. Non-essential travel to these areas should be avoided.
– Other regions are relatively stable but still require caution due to potential terrorist activities and general crime.


1. General Situation:
– Tunisia has experienced significant terrorist incidents, including the March 2015 Bardo National Museum attack.
– Security measures have been significantly strengthened, but terrorism and crime risks remain.
– The government maintains a state of emergency, which might affect movement and access to certain areas.

2. Regional Situation:
– Areas under Level 3 remain highly dangerous with ongoing terrorist activities.
– Level 2 areas, while less dangerous, still require caution due to possible terrorist activity and insufficient infrastructure.

3. Precautions for Stay:
– Stay updated on local news and avoid protests or strikes.
– Ensure you have sufficient supplies and check the validity of your passport and valuables.

4. Neighboring Countries:
– Be aware of separate advisories for Algeria and Libya.

This advisory highlights the varying levels of risk across different regions of Tunisia and offers specific guidance on areas to avoid and precautions to take.
