Slovenia: On Large Forest Fires


A large forest fire has broken out in southwestern Slovenia.
Please follow the instructions of government and local authorities in the surrounding areas.

A large forest fire has broken out in the southwestern part of Slovenia, in the Primorska regional class. The Slovenian government has notified embassies that a national protection plan for the early extinguishment of the fire has been activated.

Please follow any relevant instructions from the government and local authorities in the surrounding areas. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, please call the emergency number 112.

In the Primorska region, a forest fire warning has been issued recently due to the heat wave. Please be advised that the burning of waste materials, bonfires, fireworks, and other fire-causing devices are prohibited in the area, and violators will be severely punished.

Please continue to stay informed of the latest warnings and instructions issued by the government and local authorities.

(Reference) Slovenian government special page

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