Poland: Alert regarding protests by anti-whaling and anti-dolphin fishing activists


According to information from Warsaw city authorities, anti-whaling and anti-dolphin fishing activists will hold a protest demonstration in front of the Japanese Embassy office (ul. Szwolezerow 8) on Thursday, July 25, from 14:00 to 14:30.

2 Activists will also hold a protest demonstration in front of the Danish Embassy (ul. Marszalkowska 142) on the same day from 15:00 to 15:30.

3 As a background to the protest, it has been reported that the founder of the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd was detained by local authorities in Greenland, an autonomous region of Denmark, on July 21, and that he may be extradited to Japan. Activists have called for a protest demonstration against the museum and the Danish Embassy to demand the release of the founder.

4 Therefore, we would like to ask for the cooperation of those who plan to visit the museum during the time period described in 1 above, by avoiding this time period as much as possible. In addition, since there is a risk that unforeseen circumstances may arise during the protest demonstrations, we ask that Japanese residents and temporary visitors to Japan take sufficient precautions not to approach the demonstrations unintentionally.
