China: Advice for Living Safely


China’s “Basic Data on Safety Measures” has been revised.
Be careful to avoid traffic accidents while walking.
Wear seat belts when riding in a car.
When using a smartphone car-dispatch service (DiDi, etc.), choose a cab that is safe and reliable.

1 China Safety Information
The “Basic Data on Safety Measures” for China has been revised.
This is a compilation of basic information that you should know from the perspective of crime prevention and trouble avoidance when traveling to and staying in China.

2 Traffic Safety
(1) Caution while walking
Small vehicles such as electric bicycles and motorcycles do not follow traffic rules, disregard traffic signals, run the wrong way, and ride on sidewalks, so it is necessary to be very careful not only when driving a car but also while walking.

(2) Wear seat belts
The Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China requires that seatbelts (safety belts) be worn when driving or riding in a vehicle (including in the back seat of a cab) (Article 51).
In addition, if you are involved in an accident while riding in a cab or other vehicle, if you are not wearing a seat belt, you may not receive 100% compensation from your voluntary insurance, even if the driver of the vehicle you are riding in (or the driver of the other vehicle) is at fault.

(3) Cautions for using smartphone car-dispatch services (DiDi, etc.)
While car-dispatch services are highly convenient, they also include so-called “ride-sharing” services in which ordinary drivers use their own cars, so please keep in mind that not all drivers have good driving skills and customer service manners.
Therefore, when using a smartphone car-dispatch service, it is also effective to take measures such as taking down the license plate number of the car in advance and using one that is marked as a cab (“出租車” or “的士”) (since it belongs to a cab company, it is easier to trace) so that you can respond if you encounter malicious customer service or dangerous driving.
If you actually encounter such a situation, we recommend that you immediately report it to the service hotlines of the respective companies.
